Independent care teams of RST Zorgverleners now direct with Power BI

RST Zorgverleners is a national home-care organisation with 1,100 carers. They provide maternity care, domestic help and nursing & care at home. The pressure on home-care organisations in the Netherlands is increasing. In response, RST aims to provide its care as efficiently as possible whilst guaranteeing maximum care quality.

How does an independent care team of home-care providers manage without insights?

Move from SAP Business Objects to Power BI

RST used SAP Business Objects (BO) for its reports. In SAP BO, they generated static Excel reports from several data sources. Preparing reports was time-consuming, making it impossible for independent teams to present their reports on time.

All data is random or anonymised and bears no relation to the actual situation of RST Zorgverleners.

Hours of analysis for the financial controllers

All data is random or anonymised and bears no relation to the actual situation of RST Zorgverleners.

The record of hours provides the team of controllers with insight into the total number of hours for all the various segments within the organisation. By preparing analyses in Power BI, it is possible to filter by year, month, segment, region, teams or type of team, hours category, or activities. This provides the team with the opportunity to produce accurate estimates for the required budgets for the following year.

KPI report per segment

All data is random or anonymised and bears no relation to the actual situation of RST Zorgverleners.

With a complete KPI dashboard, the board immediately sees the performance across the entire organisation for: productivity, average rate, number of clients, training costs, and insights into the overheads.

All the echelons of the organisation, from team managers to the board, manage on the same KPIs and have access to their own KPI report. This creates uniformity within the organisation.

During Covid-19, the dashboard provided insight into the impact it had on the organisation. Sickness absence and care hours can be monitored daily. It makes the organisation agile.

Maternity-care report – childbirths & Aterme

All data is random or anonymised and bears no relation to the actual situation of RST Zorgverleners.

For the maternity-care teams, insight into the required capacity is the most important issue. Managers are able to manage the required capacity in the short term and can see their long-term situation (7-8 months) on time, including in relation to the previous year. This insight, together with the knowledge of where the clients come from, makes it possible to start targeted marketing efforts on time.

Efficacy report for HH and VV

All data is random or anonymised and bears no relation to the actual situation of RST Zorgverleners.

The efficacy report provides management with the handles to seek the right balance between the quality of care and the best rate. It provides insight into the number of hours spent per client. The report can be segmented on various core areas, insurers, teams and product codes.

It provides the opportunity to filter out the outliers and to take action. Agreements with insurers can be monitored properly and if the figures are disappointing it is possible to work out why.

Want to know more about this project?


Ruben Monster

Co-founder & BI Consultant
+31 6 42677642