We are your BI Team

A complete state-of-the-art BI Team
for a fixed amount per month.


Build your competitive edge. Today.

Everyone has data. Only a few have a dedicated data team to leverage it.


We have built All Your BI to be the sweetspot for top-tier data talent. A hotbed for innovation, knowledge sharing and professional growth.


With all data & business expertises in-house, we seamlessly integrate into your organization as your dedicated Business Intelligence team. Fully committed to empowering your business teams and accelerate your strategic objectives.


Your BI team. Bring it superpowers.

What's in the name?! You get everything (all) your BI needs to succeed.
We offer you all 6 elements a high-performance Business Intelligence team should embody according to our standards.


BI Team is ideal for organizations that:

  • Want to start leveraging their data yesterday.
  • Make more than €20M in revenue per year.
  • Want access to the skills of a complete BI team.
  • Want to work output driven with a clear ROI on their BI.
  • Have a sponsor on C-level and a dedicated point of contact of our team.

Our way of working. Collaborative BI.

We align on business strategy by using the OKR (Objective & Key Results) methodology. This results in a continuous 6 to 12 months roadmap of objectives, key results, and underlying initiatives. This ensures your BI team is always focused on the most valuable business objectives.


We develop agile in short iterations to deliver what the business truly needs and to adapt quickly when business priorities change.


We call it collaborative BI, where business users and data professionals work closely together to build that competitive advantage.



A fixed monthly price and insight into outcomes.

We make everything transparent and tangible so you have maximum grip on your BI. Pricing, outcomes, ROI, and the way we work. No black boxes.


We offer our service for a fixed monthly price, custom to your business goals and ambitions, starting at €5.000 per month.


Every month you get a clear breakdown on how we spent the budget and what value it delivers.


To calculate the exact investments we need to understand the current state of your BI capabilities and the scope of your business objectives. We often start with our BI Capability assessment as a kick-off for our BI Team service.

Are you ready to

Lets talk about it.

AYB portretten

Ruben Monster

Co-founder & BI Consultant
+31 6 42677642

Get in touch today.

Or call us directly at 010 307 02 40.